Book 1 in the Beyond Chiliastic series.



(Available on Amazon)

Reader Reviews
“A book that will leave you desiring more Biblical truths.”—Dennis
“Excellent storytelling—fun and spiritually inspiring.”—Damon
“A must read for the Church before it steps into tomorrow.”—Dan

Tasked by God and targeted by evil, a little girl teams up with a resurrected warrior.

It’s only been three years since Satan was unleashed once more upon the world at the end of Jesus’ thousand-year kingdom, but even that short time has been enough for things to spiral into chaos. Greed, hopelessness, and rage are the order of the day as humanity falls deeper into despair. Enter a small ray of light in the form of eight-year-old Maria Sullivan, who has been given a special task by King Jesus Himself. But evil forces have targeted Maria and God knows she needs protection. He sends Josh, Captain of the Global Security Force.

Demon prince Jaxx and thousands of his minions arrive on scene with one relentless purpose—to disrupt, deceive—or destroy anyone involved with the King. These demons in human form are a relentless, cruel force, but overwhelming odds and fear don't register with Josh. Obedience is everything. He will protect Maria using whatever ruthless methods are required and let God sort things out after.

Book 2 in the Beyond Chiliastic series.

(Available on Amazon)

Reader Reviews

“Gritty fuel for our faith muscles.”—Dan

“An incredible mystery that keeps you turning pages.”—Lori

“A suspenseful, energy-filled story full of truth and light. Excellent reading!”—Genee

When Donato Bagnoli’s wife left him five years ago, he didn’t think life could get any worse. How wrong he was. Still grappling with his wife's abandonment and struggling to be an engaging father, Bagnoli resists increasing pressure to sell his company—one of the largest Farm to Plate operations in the Fertile Circle. Farmhands either quit or are murdered, leaving him shorthanded. Three people die after consuming Bagnoli products, which results in a massive lawsuit brought by their grieving families. Now, to top things off, a Global Security Force officer, Josh (who claims to be a resurrected saint, working for Jesus), has arrived and placed Bagnoli under house arrest.

Bagnoli hires a new accountant—Adira Falkenberg (Addy), in an attempt to keep his financial status in the black. It’s probably too little too late. Addy is an attractive woman with a troubled past. Two wounded souls thrown together in close proximity…despite a mutual attraction, a common distrust in the opposite sex keeps them at a cautious distance. Only God could work a miracle in their scarred hearts, but with God, all things are possible.

Josh and Addy discover the leader of a drug cartel has been secretly purchasing the Fertile Circle farmland and farm operations using a series of shell corporations. Bagnoli is the last holdout, but the evil forces are determined to control the entire region’s food supply.

Josh empathizes with Bangoli’s situation. Heaven knows he saw his share of treachery and misery during his days in ancient Israel under King David. But today, more alarming to Josh, is the fact that a pair of demon assassins might have this farmer in their sights.

Satan continues his relentless takeover of the Cheyenne area—he intends to snuff out Josh, plus anyone else who gets in his way.

Book 3 in the Beyond Chiliastic series.

(Available on Amazon)

Reader Reviews

“Intriguing and suspenseful with unexpected twists.” – Karen

“An intense, creative story of unique characters in a twisting plot.” – Dan

“Encouragement in the midst of impossible situations.” – Andi


Global Security Force Captain Josh steps into a strange scene in Tokyo, where Doctor Sara Yamamoto has been kidnapped, along with her newly discovered cure for cancer. She worked four hard years to nail down a DNA-based cancer cure to save her mother. On the eve of success, she and her irritating coworker, Matt, are kidnapped from their Tokyo lab, along with all of her research.


For the last three months, Doctor Yamamoto’s scientist partner, Matt Bernstein, has plagued her with his accident prone nature, and profuse claims of his love. Now, overnight, she finds herself forced to live in captivity with this awkward nerd who seems intent on bludgeoning them before they might attempt to escape.


Much to her chagrin, Sara discovers that a madman named Tanaka is responsible for their kidnapping and stolen data, and now he claims he has used all of her hard work to create a killer virus. Tanaka says everyone in Tokyo and Singapore is infected. He can simply push a button and kill any individual person—or everyone—depending on his mood at any moment, and he seems to be able to back up that claim.


Flanking the bad guy on one side is Astarte, the Canaanite goddess of sex and war, and on the other stands an eleven-foot-tall giant named Gath, who loves nothing more than to maim and destroy. One of his favorite techniques is to stand on a hapless human and pull his or her arms off. He has his sights on Sara when she has served her purpose for Tanaka.


Josh chases clues in Tokyo, while his second in command, Eleazar, does the same in Singapore, where two other scientists have also gone missing. Tanaka claims he has all four doctors in his grip.


Tanaka makes wild demands of GSF, and gives them a five day deadline. At midnight on Thursday night, if his demands are not met, he will push the button and kill everyone in Tokyo and Singapore.


Josh fights the relentless clock, tracking down leads and fighting off smokies. He would love nothing more than to face off against Astarte or Gath or Tanaka, or all three. The problem is that he can’t find them anywhere.


Matt and Sara recognize a spark of attraction as they are forced to live together. Will they live to fan this new ember into flame? Will Josh arrive in time to rescue them?

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